Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Two GREAT Teens!

And on we go with the catch up :)
Here are two GREAT teens we got to work with this Fall! We always have fun working with teens - they just have such a good time on a photo shoot!! If your graduating this Fall or know someone graduating make sure you don't wait til the last minute to book a formal OR a casual session b/c we have a lot of seniors to work with this spring and the popular dates (graduation days) get booked up FAST!!
First is Madison. She's a senior in highschool this year and we had a great time photographing her. I especially loved finding out the story behind her tatoo - her and her family have certainly been through alot and are absolutely AMAZING in my books!! Thanks so much for sharing your story with us!!!

Next is Jenna and this was the second time Wayne got to work with her over the past year. We got to pop over to one of our newer locations from this year and the colours were AMAZING!! Don't you just love Fall colours!!!!