Friday, September 23, 2011

Meagan & Matt - MARRIED!

Well, this is the last of our August weddings.  It was yet ANOTHER gorgeous Saturday!!! 
Congrats to Meagan & Matt as they begin their lives together :) 
It must have been tricky planning a wedding from so far away but by the looks of it you did a GREAT job and it all came together so nicely. 
Enjoy your sneak peek you two :) 
We'll be in touch in a week or two with the rest of your photos.


I just LOVE their expressions on this next one.  They look SO thrilled to finally be married :)


After some photos in the city they headed out of town.  Only problem was that the limo had some troubles and they were standed on a country road!!  Wayne took off ahead with the bride and groom to do some photos of them since he could fit the 2 of them in his vehicle and this next photo is a picture of the guys getting dropped off by some wonderful, random, helpful person who was driving by and decided to help out.

Next, this kind lady and passenger stopped by to ask if they knew that their limo
was stranded a ways back.

And at last someone came to the rescue of the bridesmaids as well :)  Thank you so much to all the wonderfully kind strangers out on that little country road!!!! 

and back to those formal shots. LOL

These coat hangers are such a NEAT idea!!!

They found an adorable little frog!!!  Your brave Meagan - I wouldn't touch the thing. LOL

UGH!  I was SSOO torn as to whether I should put the bw or the colour of the next one :(  The colour was SO gorgeous with the sun flare in it but I wanted some bw pics to show as well so bw won out. 

Wayne likes to play around with some unique cropping sometimes and these next two are some pics he thought gave a whole new look to the photos he used them on.  I like them.  The first one looks like it could be on some tropical island or something!!!