Monday, January 3, 2011


We have 4 adorable babies to post today!! The first is Eli and his 1st birthday session. He had SUCH a great time! What a super happy lil guy :) And be sure to peek at his cake bash pics at the bottom - he REALLY enjoyed the cake that mom and grandma made for the photo session.

Hhmm, not sure what happened here! It DID have a black border around the whole thing. I'll have to look into what happened on that one.

Next you will see Baby Ella and her newborn session. What a sweet little baby girl!!!

Next comes Blake at his 1st year session. Blake is our very first Baby Club graduate!!! We did his Newborn session, 7 month session and 1 year old session. At the bottom you will see the collage that came at the end of his sessions. It is SO neat to see how much he changed over the year!! We hope to see you again soon Blake.

Blake's Baby's 1st year plaquemount collage.
Man!! Is he a charmer or what?!

The 4th baby is baby Khloe. We got to photograph her big brother a few years back so it was SO nice to see how much he's grown too!!! I LOVE the little kiss he is planting on his sweet baby sister and the picture of Luca holding his siter is amazing - The first time I looked at it on the computer after Wayne was done the session I couldn't beleive how much Khloe looked like a little doll - she is just so perfect :)


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- Daniel

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