Hhmm, not sure what happened here! It DID have a black border around the whole thing. I'll have to look into what happened on that one.
Next you will see Baby Ella and her newborn session. What a sweet little baby girl!!!

Blake's Baby's 1st year plaquemount collage.
Man!! Is he a charmer or what?!
The 4th baby is baby Khloe. We got to photograph her big brother a few years back so it was SO nice to see how much he's grown too!!! I LOVE the little kiss he is planting on his sweet baby sister and the picture of Luca holding his siter is amazing - The first time I looked at it on the computer after Wayne was done the session I couldn't beleive how much Khloe looked like a little doll - she is just so perfect :)
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- Daniel
I seldom leave comments on blog, but I have been to this post which was recommended by my friend, lots of valuable details, thanks again.
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