Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Stacey & Graham - engaged!

Stacey and Graham chose to have their e-session in the area around the restaraunt they got engaged at. That's a GREAT idea :) especially when it's a scenic as Wascana Park. It was perfect weather for Dock shots too!!! Not too bright but more overcast so the weather was just right and the photos turned out just great. Wayne is looking forward to working with you two again in October for your wedding - wow, that's coming up SO SOON!!!

I just couldn't leave this one out!! lol, it looks like Graham is showing off for his girl ;) LOL He's like "Hey! check it out!!" and Stacey with her hand on her hip is like "hmmm, ya - pretty impressive stuff!" haha. ok, that's enough of my cheesiness for today ;) ~Kim