Thursday, November 8, 2012

2 more family photo sessions today

Still doing catch up here.  I'm thinking I'll be doing it forever. lol. 

Today I am showing off two wonderful families :)  The first family is a family of 4 that we've been working with for quite a few years in a row now.  I know I always say how much we love our regulars but i can't help it.  We get to watch them grow as a family and they are our bread and butter and keep us going and we just appreciate them and love working with them SO much!! 

Next up is another "regular" family that we have photographed for several years now.  They moved to Calgary but that didn't stop them, they just booked us when they knew we were going to be out that way.  This year was not a year for us to head that way but as it turns out they were in town for a relatives baptism so they booked in then and included some extended family members in their session too.  We LOVE working with you guys!!  Hope to be out in Calgary next year in July so maybe we'll see you then? :)